Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Picture Nominee

1. Inception:

-Great plot

I put this as my top movie for Best Picture Nominee for several reasons. First off, the story was so unique that it made this movie a one-of-a-kind. The story line caught my attention immedietly, always keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout. However, the story was not its' only strong suit, the performance by all the actors weas amazing. I thought Leonardo DiCaprio was the man for the role. He honestly made the movie in my opinion. Lastly, the reason why this is ahead of all other movies is because the movie made me think once it was done, which really made it enjoyable.

2. Toy Story 3:

-Family Oriented
-Great Story

Toy Story is something that I have had all my life, and I thought the third lived up to my expectations. The plot of the movie was simple, yet very entertaining. Not once did I find myself bored of the movie. I put this below Inception because yes it was a great movie, but it didn't have that WOW factor. The ending was perfect, and it's the perfect closure to the story, it just can't top Inception for me. One thing that I love about Toy Story is that it is so relatable to everyones childhood.

3. The Social Network:

-Great Script

I was very suprised by how great this movie was. I went into it thinking it was going to be another mediocre movie, but I was wrong. This was such a well written movie, that had great acting! It doesn't beat Toy Story 3 for me because I grew up with Toy Story and I have always loved the Toy Storys'. However, I am not saying Social Network is not good, because it definitely is. I still think that a movie about Facebook is a pretty lame idea, but they could not have done it any better.

4. True Grit:

-Unnecessary Violence
-Good Movie

I have always been a fan of westerns, which of course leads me to loving the movie. The reason it's placed as number four is not because I don't like this movie, but the other three movies were just that good. I have nothing bad to say about True Grit, the acting was amazing, the story was great, and it was an all around great movie.

5. The King's Speech:

-Good Acting
-Interesting Story

I was suprised by how much i enjoyed this movie. I did like it but I cannot say I loved it. The movie had this odd factor that made me want to keep watching it even though it was very predictable. I enjoyed watching the relationship between Bertie and Lynell develop infront of me. I would recommend it to others who have not seen it, but I would not suggest buying it. I liked True Grit more because I am a fan of westerns and I love Jeff Bridges as an actor.

6. Winter's Bone:


I am not a fan of this movie. Not because it was an independent film or because the main character was a girl, but because the story was so boring. Not once did I find myself wanting to know what was about to happen, I just couldn't get into it. The premise of the movie was very dark and difficult to relate to.  I would not recommend this movie to anyone.

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